ClassifiedsThank you for visiting WSPA Classifieds! Our sole purpose is to advertise current opportunities of interest to psychiatrists within the Washington State psychiatric community to gain more exposure, more hits, and more business for everyone. Search through the classified ads below. You can view the job announcements on the job board. Interested in placing an ad or a job opening? Online ads run for 3 months and cost $75. WSPA members may post ads for $45. If you are a current WSPA member, log in here to post your ad. Place Online Ad
Type of Classified: Office Available We have parking for staff and a receptionist. We are part of a call group for weekend and holiday coverage. The Center provides treatment with Spravato (esketamine nasal spray) and transcranial magnetic stimulation for patients with treatment resistant depression. In addition, we are a site for the RECOVER study of Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment resistant depression. Participation in these projects will be compensated. We are looking for a psychiatrist who is interested in developing a private practice or who has a practice and is interested in moving. The Center is currently getting several referrals weekly from individuals interested in treatment. Further information about us can be found on our website: Please contact Dr. David Dunner at 206-230-0330 or [email protected] for additional information.